The IARCP was established with the primary objective of uniting CCAR Recovery Coach Professionals from around the world, fostering connections, promoting education, and advocating for their pivotal role. Our core mission is to ensure that Recovery Coach Professionals become highly sought-after resources for individuals in or seeking recovery. Their substantial contribution enhances the recovery process and elevates the field of recovery.
We believe Recovery Coaches around the world should have access to the following:
Continuous Education: Ongoing training and professional development, which encompasses training and designation through the CCAR Recovery Coach Professional Designation.
Integration: Seamless integration into systems that not only comprehend but also wholeheartedly embrace the model, recognizing Recovery Coaches as equal members of interdisciplinary teams.
Fair Compensation: Competitive compensation, salaries, and comprehensive benefits that reflect the valuable work they perform for individuals in recovery and their substantial contributions to the broader field of recovery.
The core role of the IARCP is to:
Advocate for Policies and Funding: We advocate for policies and funding that endorse the utilization of recovery coaches in diverse settings, ensuring that everyone can access the support they need on their journey to recovery.
Raise Public Awareness: Our mission includes raising public awareness to ensure that people not only comprehend the vital role played by Recovery Coaches but also recognize the enduring positive impact these professionals have on an individual's path to recovery. By doing so, we empower individuals to embrace the support and guidance of Recovery Coaches as a fundamental part of their recovery journey.
IARCP Advisory Council
Meet the collaborative team of Recovery Coach Professionals that comprises the IARCP Advisory Council. We come from different backgrounds and organizations, but we come together for our common goal - to help the mission and vision of the IARCP come alive.